I mainly focus on Modern American Poetry, the American Renaissance, and Elizabethan Prose. I study the details of poetic and rhetorical communication, including syntax, vocabulary, and punctuation. I also study the teaching of English in Japan, and cross-cultural relations between Japan, the US, and the UK. My research themes include the differences between spoken and written talk, tone of voice, and metaphor.
所属 | 研究院人文科学系 言語文化学領域 |
学位 | PhD Engllish |
研究分野 | Modern American Poetry and Elizabethan Prose |
担当経験のある科目(授業) | Readings in British Culture Graduate American Culture Practical English |
学科・コース |
ヨーロッパ・アメリカ言語文化学コース |
キーワード | poetry, prose, Elizabethan, American renaissance, Emerson, Frost, William James |
受験生へのメッセージ | As I write this today, two things occur to me to say to you. One is from the American poet Robert Frost, who said that the purpose of going to college or university is to learn that there is a book-side to every thing. The other is this: that there's an important difference between thinking something and thinking about something. Everyone can do the former; doing the latter is tricky. |